OWVS is just me…

Randy Buckner

I learned electronics at an Oakland, California  junior college, completing that in early 1979. I was lucky enough to land a first technician job at Hewlett Packard at the mother location in Palo Alto, California. Jobs have been at the technician, engineering tech and engineer levels. An AS degree in computer programming was added in the early 1990’s although the knowledge has been mainly used to program microcontrollers. I’ve worked with professional test instrumentation, business presentation gear and now for over 20 years here in Arizona at a company that makes audio gear for commercial installations.

I started in on vintage stereo audio gear in 2009 simply because I got on eBay and started acquiring audio gear and love working with my hands. To date about 280 repairs / rebuilds have been accomplished. I enjoy meeting fellow enthusiasts and it gives me joy to provide them with vintage audio sound that is as it was intended to be. My goal is to not change the sonics but improve on clarity.


Lab Partner, Chief Greeter &

Belly Rub Acquisition Specialist

Located in beautiful Prescott, Arizona